Friday, 27 May 2011

Losing Fat Tummy an Exercise Program is Easier If You Stay Motivated

If you are attempting to fight fat it is simply not enough to begin an exercise program you must also be able to stick with it. This can be challenging, especially if you have spent most of your life as a couch potato. You may find exercise to be boring or a chore and you may be wondering whether your exercise program is really worth the effort.

There is no doubt that the key to a successful exercise program is perseverance which means you need to commit to it for the long haul in fact if possible commit to it for the rest of your life. At times it will be extremely difficult at times and definitely stretch your resolve but stick with it and you will discover that it is well worth all your effort.

Staying motivated should begin with you having a tangible goal for instance if you are basically inactive when you start your program why not aim to burn off say 500 calories a week. If you are fairly active when you start exercising set your goal to 1,000 calories or more. Short term goals are great to get you started but it is essential that you put in place long-term goal which might be doubling the amount of calories you burn within six months of commencing your exercise program. Whatever goals you set make them realistic there is no greater de-motivating factor than badly missing out on your targets.

Start an exercise log in which you will record exactly what kind of aerobic, anaerobic, and stretching exercises you do each week. Be sure to include the number of repetitions you’re performing with each exercise. This way you’ll have a clear recording of your progress. Seeing how well you’re doing can be truly inspiring and can keep you going when you find it difficult to go on.

Another effective motivational strategy is to join a group that engages in some kind of exercise. For instance, you might become a mall-walker or you might find a local square dance club to join. Other possibilities include hiking groups, golfing groups, softball teams, or even ping-pong teams the fact that you are part of a social network will help to keep you motivated and if you start flagging other members of the group will pull you through.

It should be said that there is no right way to exercise but you do need to make sure that whatever you do is effective and that you’re sufficiently motivated to do it. By following just a few simple tips, you can ensure that your exercise routine is not just a fad but a regime that will continue over the long term. Remember that you will face setbacks from time to time, but that shouldn’t stop you from continuing to try to reach your exercise goals. You will gain immense satisfaction as you realize each of your goals.

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