Friday, 22 April 2011

Lose Fat Tummy - some Cool Ideas

It’s not so hard after all for men and women to get rid of stubborn belly fat. Most men develop fat around their mid-section and get that apple shape whilst women develop their fat around their middle and in their thighs, and take on the pear shape. Even though men have more testosterone and lean muscle mass, the women can also do some of the same exercises as men for losing belly and thigh fat.

So should the training be different between the men and the women?

Basically, there’s no difference in the training methods of men and women when it comes to the belly fat. One big mistake that many women make is for working with weights that are too light,  They tend to stick with the cardio workouts for losing their belly and thigh fat, and shy away from the weights. The possible reason they’re hesitant about the weights is that they’re worried about bulking up and becoming too muscular looking but this worry is unfounded.

Women also need to develop their lean muscle mass so they can burn fat. So how  to develop lean muscle mass? Well by using heavier weights when you do squats or dead lifts or other types of exercises designed for lean muscle mass. They should do some compound movements with dumbbells, like squat and shoulder presses, as well as many others.

They should also add some interval training in with their weight workouts. Interval training can be done on treadmills, cycles, and other machines. The main key here is to change up the speed at different times to get yourself a good quality workout. With interval training, you work out less time and get more results.

They also need to change the way they eat. A good healthy diet plan needs to accompany your exercise. They go hand in hand for getting you good results. One without the other has a very poor rate of return, but together they make a powerful one-two punch that gets you the results you’re looking for. You need to eat more proteins like lean meats, fish, and eggs and lots of fruits and vegetables. High alkaline vegetables are especially good, like lettuce and broccoli.

As for the men, all they need to do to get rid of stubborn belly fat is the same thing in their diet and exercise that was just laid out for the women. Always remember that lean muscle mass gets rid of belly fat. Then you’ll be on your way to losing that unwanted belly fat on you.

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