Monday, 10 January 2011

Lose Fat Tummy with regular exercise

 Planning regular exercise is essential to lose that fat tummy

Try to do something every day but more importantly plan for it. This does not necessarily mean a trip to the gym or a half mile swim but things you can easily do as part of your daily routine

Get out your diary and make and entry for each day and stick to it. Do not repeat the same routine each week mix things up otherwise you will get bored and you will miss out a couple of days and your lose fat tummy plan will fail.

Ok here is a sample week.

If you drive to work park the car some distance from the workplace and walk the last mile or so, do not use lifts take the stairs instead.

 Monday - Walk to a supermarket but not the closest to your home.
 Tuesday -Tidy up the garden, do some light lifting.
 Wednesday -Jog for 20 minutes.
 Thursday -
 Friday - Tackle all those household chores with vigour, Hoover for half an hour, good exercise and the house is clean.
 Saturday -Tackle some of the bigger garden jobs, exercise and fresh air a great mix.
 Sunday -Take a long walk, breath deeply and cleanse your lungs (away from the traffic)

Get into a routine and this will become second nature to you.

For great weight loss tips discover how lose that fat tummy

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